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Culinary Arts

Students must be vaccinated for Hepatitis A to comply with St. Louis County Health Department requirements to work in the culinary kitchens.

The Culinary Arts program is taught in a modern, fully equipped, restaurant-style kitchen as required by the American Culinary Federation for certification. Students plan, prepare, and cater meals alongside professional chefs in both the classroom, compete at various competitions throughout the year, and participate in exclusive mentorship and shadowing programs with some of our region’s most recognized culinary leaders.

Prerequisites at time of junior year enrollment:
Minimum of 10 total credits, of these 7 must be core credits (1.5 must be English), on track to graduate

Also recommended:

  • Grade-level reading skills
  • Grade-level math skills

David Bass | 314.989.7460 | Send an Email 

Melissa Maness | 314.989.7460 | Send an Email

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Credits & Certifications

How will my time be spent? 

Program Year Classroom Time Lab Time
CTE Year One 26%-50% 26%-50%
CTE Year Two 25% or less 76% or more